Sunday, April 22, 2012
Hello, goodbye.
If anyone has managed to find themselves on this blog and still continued reading up to this point, I'll ask you the same thing I'm asking myself now, "Why?" Right now, I guess the feeling of the keyboard on my fingertips just feels strangely refreshing, nostalgic even, if you're into that sort of thing. I digress at this point but, I'm really not the sentimental type of person although I'm more than familiar with nostalgia, and the melancholy it comes with. At this point, I wish I could go on but I don't want to make an wordy yet empty post linger on an longer. So If you've made it this far, I thank you for indulging an aging person, and an even older soul like I am. It was just nice to see that a person like me who doesn't have a future had a past that at least made an insignificant blip on someone's life, here and gone with a single click. CLICK.