"Hell is other people"- Sartre, "No Exit"
What is hell anyway? does it even exist? am i going to go there? or am i already there? If you were stranded in hell, what or whom would you bring with you ? What would you do to make hell a better place? Why are these questions starting to lose sense? Anyway, last question who'se supposed to give the right answer to these questions? a quantum physicist? a beauty contest bimbo? a priest? a madman? or my cat? even if i asked each of them, most likely, an answer would still be oblivious. Being so deperate for an answer and not getting anything that is even close to resembling an answer to all these questions IS HELL. Hmm.. I guess i just answered one of my own questions, because hell does exist, and it is exactly this conundrum. I guess hell wont be so bad.
Hell as a divine eternal punishment for the wicked when the finally reach their mortalities end is very much overrated. For one thing, why wait until these tormentors of humanity, only after a long reign of barbaric tyrrany, finally kicks the bucket? and when you try to "fast track" thier inevitable demise technically, that makes you as wicked as they are and you are also bound to the same fate you sent them to. That bites. What am i supposed to do, just hope and pray to every living and petrified saint that a grand piano falls out of the heavens and splatters his red stuffing and gray matter all over the pave ment as he walks by? oh but wait, doing that also entails you to a one way trip to "the land down under"(that ain't Australia). Damn that just bites ass..its like reality is flipping me off, and i cant do squat. It reminds me of one of my personal adages "better an asshole thana doormat." well, i guess only doormats can get to heaven.
Another thing, the bighorned red guy with a pointy tail holding a pitchfork and his motley crew of "evil rangers" have been taking too much credit for hell and what it stands for therefore recieving in return, way too much publicity for it. Its like humans are like 5 minute commercials with subliminal messages in them. So false advertising trancends even the boundaries of the afterlife. Let us critique everyday evemts in the life of some people shall we?
Do we come to the conclusion that Bhaal himself took human form as the Guy/Girl in charge of making the section assignments of the studentsand fiendishly wrote your name under a section with a lousy schedule, the worst possible instructors put together which, up to now you didnt think was humanly possible(stupidity is contagious when carriers cluster), an obvoius shortage of jawdropping-make-me weak-in-the-knees women? instead, like a sick, practical joke, your classmates aka. your "whipping boys/girls" are the 22 women who screwed you over aka. your ex-girlfriens and the 22 guys they they replaced you with who just happens to hate your guts for no apparent reason,. and you are stuck there for one agonizingly painful semester., and now as you sit at your desk isolated from the rest of the class, you grind and grit your teeth, breathing feverishly, and tightly clenching your pen with sweaty and shaky plamswhile trying to fend off the voices in you head telling you to stab and maim someone. Thats hell right there plain and simple, but then again that could just be as easily dismissed as really bad luck.
And do we hold the higher powers accountable and beyond scrutiny when that Voluptous chinita whose face and bodily contours are carved very deeply within your cranium like posters finally gives in to your long ignored charms and you start racking up points with her when amidst the flare of your burnig passion, a gas leak. That gas forming root crop known as Kamote you had for lunch takes its toll, and that little gas leak a few moments later escalates ito a monumental deafening flatulence. After the echo that resonated throughout the 4 walls of the campus stopping everyone who can hear in thier tracks, a fetid, reeking stench stimulates the chinitas and everyone in a 50 meter radius's olfactory receptors. The next day SHe issues a temporary restraining order against you and making the local news makes you the new face of shame in your university. Again hell personified but, still just as easily be construed as extreme misfortune.
Beelzebub, the pit of eternal tormaent, and the minions of darkness, ive probably already got a reservation, yeah i admit i aint no saint. But im still tickin' and kickin' so they'll just have to wait And besides why would they want me or anyone else for that matter die so soon, we're like reality TV for them. The dark underworld and all it embodies, whether existent or not, would not have to do much to do what they do best which is personify hell. Because when it come to inflicyting torment and strife, its like humans have an innate knack for inflicting it upon others and themselves.
Its ironic that the search for paradise leads us down the path of hell, and as hard as we try to look for paradise hell would come lloking for and evemntually find us instead.