There really comes a time when you get that feeling, the feeling that something in your life is missing. You try to fill it with sports, studies, videogames, and any other possibly conceivable recreation to fill that figurative void that ebbs your very existence but to no avail. Then you see one of the opposite sex and you feel that sudden rush of adrenaline just permeate through every pore and every orifice of your body. There’s your answer, romance, amour, and frankly, love. Now for nthe next question, how might I procure this elusive piece of merchandise, and like putting a 2 piece puzzle together, I need to have a girl friend.
And now you stand at a cross roads in your life, one that would figuratively speaking, renovate your entire existence, stay single, or go for that L-O-V-E. I stood in that crossroads once before, years back when I was still juvenile, back then the choice wasn’t really that hard, it was love or singlehood, and because of all the ideas crammed into this cranium from watching anime, reading novels and testimonials from other people, made love look like a 10 course meal and singlehood, 2 biscuits and a glass of water. This was no brainer, I took love without giving a second thought.
Sure it was a pretty rough ride, starting from scratch was never easy for anything, especially if you don’t have the knack for it. After a lot of stupid mistakes, learning from those mistakes, and making a lot more of them, I eventually scratched and clawed my way to having a girlfriend. Happy ending? That’s not quite what happens.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but if you’ve actually been in a romantic relationship with anyone, sacrifice doesn’t end with the courtship, and the going steady phase. It’s a lot like getting run over by a car, getting up and doing it all over again. Love huh? I ought to kick myself some years ago in the balls for falling for false advertising and not getting his money back.
A while back I thought of those guys who’re “swingers” or are single but polygamous in nature to be the people who had nothing better to do with their spare time other than hooking up with girls and getting into their pants. These guys are like the “neo-drifters” if I may coin the term, who are in one house, dorm bed, sofa, kitchen, bathtub, etc. in one night, and in another the next. These are the guys who give the word “single” a whole new definition; it is a license to sodomy. I always thought of the idea of singlehood in that sense to be preposterous, utterly idiotic even.
I know most people wont agree with what I’ve come to conclude but people who chose singlehood actually made the right choice.