This one time, in Sir O’s Literature class, he asked everyone why we were there, why we wanted to surround ourselves with sick people, dying people. He even said that the medical field was the most depressing job anyone could have. I still agree with him, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Its not about the money for me, though I guess it is a perk, I like what I do, ad at the end of the day, that’s all that really matters to me. Taking care of sick people doesn’t sound that hard, really, its something you get used to but, here's the thing; When playing against death, the odds usually are'nt good, and my job is to rig the game or make sure that he takes a dive, one way or another.
I never really knew what I wanted in life 4 years ago. I was still reeling from the thrill ride that is high school that when college and the future were shoved right in my face, I really didn’t care, I yawned and did whatever I had to get the people bugging me to get off my case. So one fateful day, I ended up in the halls of this alma mater, with pen and notebook in hand, and a schedule that bore the course name, Nursing. The Far Eastern University- Institute of Nursing was hyped to be a proverbial slaughterhouse for those who sought to call themselves nurses, and I was its live cattle. During my first days I always pondered whether I’d end up as a cut of prime rib or just another link in a sausage chain. That butchery was merciless most of the time when it wasn’t plagued by idiocy mostly from the higher ops and profs. I saw how the prime ribs are carved and how the sausages are stuffed I knew people from both, and even after all the slack ive been cutting myself, i'm no damn sausage. Id be lying if I said that Nursing was easy, that I sat on my a$$ most of the time or studied only when I felt like it, which is the formula to making sausage in this institute by the way. I’ve had my fair share of work that’s expected when others peoples lives are in your hands, yep I ate, breathed, drank and slept with Nursing. It was my mistress, and I, its faithful whipping boy, that was what it took to thrive in this place, everyday it slapped you in the face with that responsibility only those in the medical field must bear. When you get stage fright or forget lines here, someone actually dies, not out of fear, and its not you. So yeah, I did go through hell and back, but id go back anytime just to do it all over again.
Years passed and i've made new friends, lost old ones, met nursing women, got drunk with them, lost myself, found myself and to make this concise, got the full package of the entire college experience with a nursing touch which, to me, translates to less idiots, more women, and just plain more fun for me. Writing this feels like tasting liquor for the first time, Bitter, and yet my lips wont let go of the bottle. I just find it hard to believe that so much has happened. Now i'm just waiting for my license to practice, after that, death will finally have another playmate.