Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reflections from the idiot box: Faith and my eleven foot pole

When I was writing this very sentence, I was wondering why im writing about this topic that hell knows I shouldn’t even touch with a ten foot pole, but I am anyway. You see ive seen a lot of crap on TV, the local news, stupid cartoons, soaps, commercials, re-runs, bad episodes, hmm.. now that I think about it its much more acurate to say that TV is composed of mostly crap. No, this particular program isnt the cream of the crap, its actually what I would refer to as a “mandatory quality program” because if you think otherwise, there’d be hell to pay, literally. So why did this particualr proram seemingly hit a raw nerve and fueled angry keystrokes and angst filled mouseclicks? Heres a story.
I happened to flip onto a certain religious network which I shall not name with all respect to all religion, teology, and to the Almighty himself. Now, this program was in an “objective” dicussion about anothers religions religious doctrine and to make a long story short, the whole discussion just sreams out in context, “that’s wrong, look at us were right, so what are you still doing believing something false, join us now, we’re right remember?” So at this point, most of you would have probably filled out all the “certains” ive used so far, for those who havent, jeez, do something about it. Ill admit, im Catholic, not a devout one im sure, and don’t get me wrong there is absolutely no love lost if someone badmouths my relgion and vice-versa. But I don’t think that religion is supposed to dictate what anyone should believe in. Just 2 things qualifys me to say that the guys in this program are total A-holes,1. I have free will and therefore can think and decide for myself what is right, and 2, we al use the term “faith” synonymously with our religion so, if what you believe in is what should be followed you should not be called a religion, but a constitution. Religion to me is just another great formula to make Utopia, but as its executed fails miserably, and what we get is just pieces of burining wreckage that hardly even leaves a trace of what its supposed to be. Any problems with that? Okay, heres a question, is the world perfect? I rest my case.
Ooh, im going to talk about religion, I better watch what I say this time or else huh? Since arguing in absolutely anything religious is as meaningful as the egg or chicken came first debate, im not touching any of it. Instead I will talk about what really makes a perfect world, and what religion is really supposed to accomplish. So im making my first and only point in this entire discourse with a question, Can man exist without religion? Well it doesn’t fill our lungs or stuff our stomachs. Oh yeah its supposed to keep us from killing each other, well, most of the time anyway. And can Religion exist without man? No.
I believe in man. Yes, I believe in man and his so called “humanity” which is the root cause of all that is wrong in this earthly plain, and is most likely going to be the reason why he will be annihilated from it. I believe in the innate “goodness” of man that drives him to kill, cheat, steal, corrupt, desecrate, and profane everything he can get his hands on. Yes, I believe that most of us including myself are all a part of this formless blob that has an endless hunger and is continually consuming itself called society. But, I also believe, that among these blasphemers, the murderers, thieves, and the downright wicked, still exists humanity, the same humanity that, day in and day out, will always render the choice whether to wallow and drown in this cesspool of oblivion or to start struggling against the current and actually start making the pages of the books and teachings of faith a reality for all. It doesn’t really matter what God I believe in or what teachings I preach and follow. We’re all looking at the same thing, just through different eyes. That is what I believe in.