Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The world is “O”

Heres a story: A guy wearing blue shoes steps on some dog manure. That fact unknown to him he walks up to the door and forgets to wipe his feet, leaving a little chunk of poop from his shoe everywhere he went. Then, the janitor notices the trail of poop ridden footprints and the blue shoes that were making them. The next day, another guy wearing blue shoes was at the door, the janitor halted him and said “im not letting you in, those blue shoes spread dog s*it all over the floor.” The guy, visibly insulted, retorted, “Get out of my way, my shoes are clean, see”, The guy showing him the sole of his feet. The janitor was stubborn and said, “No. I know those blue shoes are going to make s*it prints again so im not letting you in.” the guy stepped aside, when a girl obviously in a rush tried to get past the janitor. The janitor stood in the way saying, ”Whoa there missy, im not letting an blue shoes touch my beautiful floor, you’d just get s*it prints all over it.” But the girl said, ”But everyone here wears blue shoes?.” And so the same routine went on til’ the end of the day, and the only person that got into the office that day was the guy who stepped on the dog poo yesterday, but today he wore white.
Saying that this June PNLE is controversial is a colossal understatement. And the media, well known for making even a speck of dust into the size of Jupiter, just blew the issue way out of proportion. A witch hunt began and with torches and pitchforks in hand, the finger pointing and hypocritical ideals just seem endless, and after a couple of days of watching the same drivel, just so pointless then, that was the day when every time it was on the news, i gave TV the finger before i changed the channel. And so as I write this, the witch hunt continues but the pyre in the plaza still lays bare. That’s all well and good, but as it stands now, the problem is still there, and like myself, the 17k+ passers of said PNLE are still on their a$$es, now utterly homicidal, and still jobless. Yeah, I could get a call center gig, or rob a bank, but personally, id take that as an insult to 4 years of busting my a$$ in nursing school. I earned my keep to get into this profession and now, withholding a tiny piece of cardboard with numbers on it is going to screw with my future. I know that its not right to give back what ive undoubtedly earned just because some douche bags cheated and got caught, but if its really for a greater good, with heavy hands, I bend over and brace myself for another kick in the a$$. I’ve no qualms if a mandatory retake does come. I’d just be proving what I already know. So, as everything stands now, im trapped in a deadlock, a deadlock I would hang in a noose made of whining, politics, bull s*it, and red tape, if it were not for my family’s ability to keep me alive. i am now a bum, a housesitter with a college degree with funds not even enough for a jeepney fare.
I hate being a spectator, but I hate fighting pointless and losing battles even more. Whatever may come to pass soon, im going to do whatever needs to be done to make the words R.N at the end of my name actually mean something.
Oh by the way, im wearing blue shoes too.
-Oscar M Adalia Jr. R.N