“The only thing permanent in this universe is change” I really don’t know who said this but he was probably staring out the window, staring into the darkness and torn between yesterday and the present, and looming like the sword of Damocles, The 24th hour, The alpha, The future, or better yet, tomorrow. It’s a lot like stage fright, that feeling you get before you perform, you’ve got your costume, you know your lines, you know that you can knock the pants off your audience. But the sweat trickling in your brow, and the fear emanating from every orifice of your body culminates into the knocking of your knees and shaking of your palms
You want to run away right? Feign sick? Or just disappear, escape from this imposing force that laughs in your face. I mean, why put yourself in the scorching radiance of the midday sun when you’ve grown fond of the darkness in the hole in the ground you bury yourself in every day you’ve known life. “Cant I stay where I am” is not just another pointless whine, I personally know the feeling of getting your insides rearranged because of anxiety. It’s the fear of the next moment, the uncertainty, the enigma of the unknown that seemingly taunts, berates, and gives you the proverbial finger. So with that solemn admission of fear, do you run? Im not the type that tells people what to do regardless of the situation, but me, Im walking forward and im going to walk all over the futures living carcass.
“Grab life by the balls and squeeze it as hard as you can” a little brutish, but that’s how to live life, if there ever was such an instruction. The future means a lot of things to different people, some drift, and some charge it with berserk fury but the future will come eventually, like the guillotine that will fall without remorse once the rope frays, then breaks. One things for sure, the future will hit you in the face like a sucker punch. So whether it be run or rumble, just brace yourself and enjoy the ride.
So the bells of tomorrow toll, and it tolls for me. So whatever tomorrow may bring, I shall walk forward and let none stand in my way.