Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The hypochondriac monologue

Im sick
I may not have red blotches
Nor cuts, wounds, and scratches
Though I am conscious
And no signs obvious
Im sick...
My lung fields are clear
heart beats, strong and steady
but I breathe doubt and fear
my mind battered and bloody
Im sick!
Though my limbs move and are able
And my senses are nimble and keen
Inside I feel so unstable
Only one thing, this could mean.
Am I sick?
As I bleed I grin
As ive committed the final mortal sin
Strength, for this knife, these wrists I grind
Weakness, for ive done it only in my mind
(chuckle) I am sick!
Oh, what a glutton for punishment!
Perpetually placed in this predicament,
For I sleep and wake
Enslaved by life I cannot break
Im sick don’t you believe me?!
Its like a cancer
This meaningless quest for an answer
Something which can never be found
But realizing it only when sleeping 6 feet underground
Believe me, I am sick.
Im trapped in this vessel of flesh and bone
My blood is ice and my soul is stone
When life itself has become a prison
death has become my sole mission